1. hieroglyphic (a.) [ˌhaɪərəˈglɪfɪk]
a writing system using picture symbols; used in ancient Egypt
EX: The hieroglyphic script remained confusion.
2. cuneiform (a.)/(n.) [ˈkjunɪəˌfɔrm]
relating to the writing used by the people of ancient Mesopotamia
3. melancholy (n.) ['mɛlən͵kɑlɪ]
a feeling of sadness for no particular reason
EX: He sank into deep melancholy.
4. Prominent (a.) [ˋprɑmənənt]
standing out so as to be seen easily; conspicuous; particularly noticeable
EX: Her eyes are her most prominent feature.
5. Evacuation (n.) [ɪ͵vækjʊˋeʃən]
The act or process of evacuating, or the condition of being evacuated; discharge or expulsion, as of contents.
EX: Orders went out to prepare for the evacuation of the city