1. stonemason (n.) ['stonˈmesṇ]
a person whose job is cutting and preparing stone for buildings
2. abominable (a.) [ə'bɑmənəbḷ]
extremely unpleasant and causing disgust
EX: abominable cruelty
3. acropolis (n.) [ə'krɑpəlɪs]
a castle or a fortified area in an ancient Greek city, especially one built on a hill
EX: What she most wanted to do was to wander about on the broad top of the acropolis
4. brazen (a.) ['brezṇ]
open and without shame, usually about something that people find shocking
EX:her brazen admission that she was cheating on him
5. recompense (n.) ['rɛkəmˈpɛns]
something, usually money, that you are given because you have suffered in some way, or as a payment for something
EX: financial recompense for the victims of violence