1. Debut (Noun) [dɪˋbju]
A first public appearance on a stage, on television, etc.
EX: The actress made her debut in the new comedy.
2. Render (Verb) [ˋrɛndɚ]
To cause to be or become
EX: His stammer rendered him unfit for a teaching job.
3. termination (n.) [ˈtɝmə'neʃən]
the act of ending something; the end of something
EX: You may face a reduction or termination of benefits.
4. mythical (a.) ['mɪθɪkḷ]
existing only in ancient myths
EX: a mythical creature like the Minotaur
5. irreconcilable (a.) [ɪˈrɛkən'saɪləbḷ]
if differences or disagreements are irreconcilable, they are so great that it is not possible to settle them
EX: The differences between the landowners and the conservationists were irreconcilable from the start.