1. gallop (v.) [ˈɡæləp]
if a horse gallops, it runs as its fastest speed;to move, pass, or develop very quickly.
EX: They mounted their high-stepping horses and gallop to the scene.
2. sway (v.) [sweɪ]
to influence or change someone’s opinion;to move or swing gently side to side.
EX: They swayed in battle and fought like living men.
3. sceptre (n.) ['sɛptɚ]
decorated rod carried by a king or queen at ceremonies as a symbol of their power
EX: The sceptre is an attribute of kingly power.
4. reaper (n.) ['ripɚ]
An imaginary character who represents death;usually shown as a skeleton wearing a long black with a hood and carrying a scythe
EX: Where reapers with sharp sickles were working.
5. glisten (v.) [ˋglɪsn]
to shine and look wet or oily
EX: The boy's back was glistening with sweat.