1. implicit (a.) [ɪmˋplɪsɪt]
suggested without being directly expressed
EX: His statement is being seen as implicit criticism of the work of research laboratories.
2. irreconcilable (a.) [ɪˋrɛkən͵saɪləb!]
if differences or disagreements are irreconcilable, they are so great that it is not possible to settle them
EX: We can never agree our views are irreconcilable.
3. pageant (n.) [ˈpædʒənt]
a play, concert, or other performance based on a historical or religious story;a competition between young women in which judges decide who is the most beautiful.
EX: We are all invited to take part in the pageant.
4. besetting (adj.) [bɪˈsɛtɪŋ]
Trouble or threaten persistently.
EX: What saves it from the besetting fault.
5. intricacy (n.) [ˋɪntrəkəsɪ]
the state of containing a large number of parts or details
EX: He was lost in the intricacies of a new electric motor.