1. abyss (n.) [əˈbɪs]
a very frightening or dangerous situation, or one in which there seems to be no hope.
EX: He has been in the abyss of despair.
2. reproach (v.) [rɪˋprotʃ]
to blame or criticize someone in a way that shows you aredisappointed at what they have done
EX: He publicly reproached his son for his behavior.
3. legitimate (adj.) [ləˈdʒɪtəmət]
allowed by the law, or correct according to the law;fair and reasonable.
EX: Jesus was the legitimate heir to the throne.
4. forge (v.) [fɔrdʒ]
to develop something new, especially a strong relationship with other people, groups, or countries
EX: Back in the 1980s, they were attempting to forge a new kind of rock music.
5. canonical (adj.) [kəˈnɑnɪk(ə)l]
following the generally accepted rules of something;based on the laws of a Christian church.
EX: On Hebrew Canonical Prophets Epistemology.