1. perfume (n.) [ˈpɜː.fjuːm]
a liquid with a pleasant smell, usually made from oils taken from flowers or spices, which is often used on the skin
EX: What perfume are you wearing?
2. quandary (n.) [ˈkwɒn.dri]
a state of not being able to decide what to do about a situation in which you are involved
EX: I've had two job offers, and I'm in a real quandary about which one to accept.
3. wiggle (v.) [ˈwɪg.l ]
to (cause to) move up and down and/or from side to side with small quick movements
EX: He tried wiggling the control stick but nothing happened.
4. adherence (n.) [ədˈhɪə.rənt s]
when someone acts strictly according to rules, beliefs, etc.
EX: He was noted for his strict adherence to the rules.
5. jury (n.) [ˈdʒʊə.ri]
a group of people who have been chosen to listen to all the facts in a trial in a law court and to decide whether a person is guilty or not guilty, or whether a claim has been proved
EX: The jury has/have been unable to return a verdict.
The Prince 君王論
MORE: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Prince
"as vicious as lion 和獅子一樣兇猛
cunning fox" 和狐貍一樣狡猾
inferno=hell 地獄
canto ─ 長詩中的篇章
Dante但丁 ─ 著神曲一書,Virgil 維吉爾帶領遊地獄及人間
seven deadly sins 七大原罪 ─ wrath 怒氣, greed 貪婪, sloth 怠惰, pride 驕傲, lust 慾望, envy 忌妒, gluttony 貪吃
paragraph (n.) (文章的)段,節 (v.) 將....分段
The student were asked to paragraph an essay in class.
parallel 平行的 (+parking) 路邊停車
drive-way 從車庫門口出來的一小段路
Pre-Raph ─ 前拉斐爾畫派
Ceres ─ 大地之母
Persephone ─ 大地之母的女兒(Hades 搶走並囚禁)
pomegranate ─ 石榴子
nymth ─ 漂亮的女子(遊走自然)
Achilles's heel ─ 罩門,致命傷
(Thetis母親 Peleus父親)
不和諧女神:"To the fairest.''
1 i
5 V
10 X
50 L
100 C
500 D
1000 M
MORE AT: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roman_numerals